The story begins with a California-Texas love connection when Marine Mario met San Diego native Jamie. While Mario was busy serving three tours in Iraq, Jamie was perfecting her triple axels (okay, we're not sure about the triple axels, but she is a national gold medalist in figure skating!). Both graduated from San Diego Christian College - Jamie with a psychology degree and Mario with a BA in Christian Ministries.

These days, you'll find Jamie wearing multiple hats: virtual school teacher, reading tutor extraordinaire, homeschool mom, and studying for her master’s degree. When she's not gliding across the ice or helping kids discover the joy of reading, she's leading a homeschool group and running a ministry and business that teaches reading to children.

Since the couple helped plant a church in McKinney, TX in 2010, Mario has held various pastoral roles and earned his Master of Divinity from Bethel Seminary, in 2019 . Currently, he channels his passion for helping others into his work as a facilitator for domestic violence intervention programs. When he's not serving others or cracking dad jokes, you'll probably find him at his favorite coffee shop with a cold brew coffee in hand.

They have 3 amazing boys: Diego, Noah, and Ezra. They enjoy video games, good food, their family, and roasting dad.

Our marriage is a testimony of God's grace, forgiveness, and love. From infidelity to cancer, two premature babies, and all sorts of other stuff—our love for one another and our faith continue to grow as we choose God. We both have a heart for people to live the whole and holy lives found in Christ. If you want to hear about our spiritual journey, please listen to our 2016 testimony. We hope that sharing our story offers hope and blessing to others.


United Middleton